Term 4 continued with some exciting activities and Christmas craft ,cooking and gifts. OSHC collected 8 boxes of non perishable food for the Holy Food Christmas hamper which was very much appreciated. Thanks to all for donating to such a worthwhile charity. We will continue collecting during 2018.

We ended the year on a very positive note with a fantastic Christmas Party with “Splash Fantastic” Water Games.


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Looking forward to the amazing year that’s ahead of us in OSHC!


Term 4 Notable activities:

Term 4 at OSHCare has started with some exciting events.

Firstly the children fundraised to save money for a tiger that OSHCare has adopted. The children did this by baking cookies and then selling them. The cookies must have been yummy as we raised $92!!

Secondly Neal from Holyfools came: “he told us about being homeless, how they sleep outside and that they have no money”.
Holyfools is an organisation that helps the homeless, they aim to make a difference. One of the main reasons for bringing in a speaker is because there is an alarming amount of homeless people in the Yarra Hills (450 per night), so at OSHCare we decided to help out in any way that we can. Currently we are collecting food for Christmas hampers for people and families in need. The Oshcare families are helping by contributing anything they would like, examples include: milk, tuna, biscuits, lollies, cereals and etc.

Lastly the children have been enjoying the new addition of a Gaga Pit: ” The gaga pit is fun because it has sand in it and walls so that the ball cant roll away, I like playing because you can hit the ball” “we love it because sometimes its crowded at lunch, so after school we get to have a good turn”.
The Gaga pit has recently been built and is a fun, safe and exciting game the children can play that has been learnt from Grade 3 camp!



Social time:

The children at Oshcare absolutely love their time to have a chit chat with their friends and also with the educators. They talk about various topics such as their sporting endeavours on the weekend, funny things that their siblings do, what happened in class today and so much more!

Here is some pictures, of some fun craft that the children have picked themselves to do off pintrest:



Games for fun!!

Each week at Oshcare we have one afternoon where we participate in “Games for fun”, this is half an hour of physical play where all the students get involved and play various games. These games work on fundamental motor skills, problem solving and much more, but the main focus is for the children to have fun while being active with their peers. Each week the activity is different, with the children even choosing their favourite games on occasion, also the older children are elected captains, or if they would like they are able to run the games themselves 🙂

This is one of the many ways that we at Billanook Oshcare like to be inclusive, supportive and keep the children engaged!


Crafty fun at OshCare

This year at Oshcare we have been doing a lot of fun crafts such as positive quote bookmarks, pom poms, sock octopus, some paintings for the bag room, scrape painting art, a summer painting to light up oshcare a bit more and much more we also have been doing some physical activity too such as, gymnastics, the boards, fun games on the oval and so much more.


Term 2 is here already. Many children had fantastic overseas holidays, down to their holiday houses and camping in the bush. Team Holiday ran a fun program over the holiday which was enjoyed by many of the children who attend OSHC.

Our curriculum day was full of cooking, creative crafts and challenging games and sports.


This year has started with a bounce. Heaps of new children and a great group of Foundation students have joined us. The Foundation children have been finishing at 2pm and have been attending Oshcare and are usually joined by their buddies for a short time. Many Grade 6’s have been playing and interacting with them, craft activities, sports and spending quiet time reading.  Bey Blades have been a hit with the younger children, sharing and cooperation is great to see.

Painting is very popular with groups creating artworks to liven up the bag room. They look beautiful and the children have enjoyed the experience


Welcome to OSHC 2017

For our end of term 4 party, we played bubble soccer which was a hit with most children, a challenge for some which they overcame with encouragement from Educators and Bubble Soccer Staff. The photos tell the whole story.


Congratulations to Our Level Six Graduates!

Last night saw our Level Six students graduate from primary school.  It a happy event tinged with a hint of sadness, as we will miss them and their input into our OSH Care program.

It should be noted that the performance put on by the Level Six students was a major hit, with fantastic dancing skills on display.

Good luck for next year, to all our Level Six students!


November News

The OSHC programing committee have been very busy selecting some great ideas for craft experiences including decorated mason jar pencil holders, pony bead melted shapes, worry dolls and element jars. Both boys and girls have embraced the art of sewing, creating a wide variety of decorative cushions and soft toys.

Watching and playing cricket has been popular and as usual children love to go outside to play ball games, 40/40 and use their skills on the play equipment.

BUBBLE SOCCER AND SUPER SOAKERS COME TO OSHC for our Christmas breakup party, Tuesday 20th December, 2016.  What a fantastic way to start the holidays.